

I know I'm a bit late at posting my 2014 retrospect but I have always been a late bloomer and it seems every year I need to start the new year before being able to reflect on the one that is ending. One thing is for sure: 2014 was the "year of the house" for me! In April Ramiro and I purchased our first home together and I was a property virgin no longer! Moving to the mountain was kind of a risky move for us but we have never been happier. I enjoy having the forest as my backyard more than I can put into words and owning a piece of land we can grow on as a family but also as a production company has been the best. I love our home! After having an insanely busy 2013 work wise, I also had a bit more time this year to relax and travel; our trip to Cuba surpassed all my expectations (it was magical truly) and I finally got to visit my friend Georgette in Clare, Nova Scotia, where I found indescribable beauty and inspiration. 2014 was also the year my feature film won it's first award and held it's hometown premiere in Montreal as well as screening in Quebec city, Mexico and Amsterdam. I'm excited that 2015 is the year my first feature film will come out in theatres and look forward to diving into new film projects as well! I'm determined to make 2015 the best so far!

All my best wishes to you for the new year! May peace and love reign over all. Virginie XO

Check out my 2013  and 2012 photo retrospects!